24 January 2011

"10" Things I "love" about Germany

My dearest friend Jodi recently asked me what my favorite part is about being here, which led me into a couple tangents and ultimately into what I will say is my favorite.  It occurred to me that my favorite part about being here, or abroad in general, or for that matter in each new chapter, is discovering the little differences and inconsistencies that populate my life and that naturally come along with big life events.  So, I have prepared for you a list of the little (and big) differences that I have noticed here.

  • Toilette paper squares aren't square.  They are longer than they are wide.  Therefore, they are toilette paper rectangles.
  • Subway train doors do not open automatically.  You have to push a button or pull a lever if you wish to enter or exit.  Quite energy efficient, these Berliners!
  • Escalators are not always running.  They are connected to motion detectors and only run when you walk up to them. 
  • The light switches are opposite.  Up for off and down for on.
  • Often, one faucet handle controls temperature while the other controls flow.
  • Instead of rewarding you for bringing your own bag to the grocery store you are expected to, and charged if you use one of theirs.  Yes, very green.
  • As mentioned before, all the deli meat is small, round, and hard to identify.  I have discovered salami...
  • Reseal-able Capri-Suns
  • While everything seems to come in smaller containers, yogurt is usually much bigger.
  • Bread is baked in the grocery store.
  • You have to pay a deposit for every glass or plastic bottle or jar you buy.  And no measly five cents, either!
  • The Subway runs on the honors system.
  • People will wait for the walk signal even when no cars are coming.
  • Gravel is put on snow which is not cleaned up, rather than salt.
  • Doors open counterintuitively.  When in doubt, push.
I'm sure as I explore more I will discover more, so be ready for part 2! :)

And now, a Berlin sunset for the road:

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