05 January 2011

Etwas Auf Deutsch

Some of you may be wondering what "Etwas Auf Deutsch" means.  Well, I am here to tell you it means something in German.  Literally.  Because in my head all blog titles should be witty, I decided that this served as enough wit considering my lack of knowledge of the German language.  Also, I wanted to get this blog off the ground and wasn't too sure of any other titles that would be appropriate, so if along the way any of you think of any witty or particularly wonderful potential titles, please feel free to let me know.  This blog will serve as my documentation of my semester abroad in Berlin and will hopefully help us all stay connected.  So, let's just jump right in.

It is Wednesday and in two days I will be on a plane to back to Boston. (Then another to London and another to Berlin- good thing I absolutely love flying!)  Am I packed and ready, you ask?  No.  The idea of packing all the clothes I will wear for four months in one checked suitcase is incredibly daunting, and while I welcome the exercise in living simply, my pared down wardrobe is most certainly still too large...  So, that is my goal for today, along with tying up a few other loose American ends.  Wish me luck.  But, whether I get to take as many shoes as I hope I can or have to leave some scarves behind, I am so excited for what is in store and can't wait to share it with you!

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